INSTALLING THE ST01 HOST ADAPTOR WITH A SEAGATE SCSI DISC DRIVE I. Introduction Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, the specifications contained in this file. The ST01 provides the connection between the IBM PC XT/AT* (or compatible) and up to two Seagate SCSI drives. *IBM PC XT/AT are registered trademarks of International Business Machine Corporation. -The ST01's onboard software will assist you with the required formatting operation. -Drive's with more than 32 formatted megabytes require device driver software for formatting. Seagate currently ships partitioning software only with drives greater than 32 formatted megabytes. Before attempting installation read through these instructions and verify that the system is powered-down. II.ST01 AND Disc Drive Installation 1. Remove the top cover from the system. Retain the screws. 2. Set the SCSI ID jumper on the disc drive. The ST01 recognizes devices by their SCSI ID number. -If you are installing one drive, the ID number is O (no jumper). The drive is shipped with ID set to zero. -A second physical drive must be set as ID number 1. ID number 1 is selected by placing a shorting jumper on the set of shorting pins furthest away from the 50 pin cable connector on the drive. If you are installing two drives, remove the resistor termination packs from the first drive. -Note: If the drive has a parity jumper, it must remain shorted. The parity jumper is the set of pins closest to the 50-pin cable connection on the drive. 3. Remove the ST01 from the protective covering and pull the rubber strips from between the connector pins. Observe static-discharge precautions and do not touch the board components or edge-connectors. 4. Set the starting address on the ST01. -CA000 is the default BIOS address. If there is a board already installed at this address in the system, use the jumpers to change to another address. See table 1. Table 1: ST01 Host Adaptor There are four possible starting addresses for the ST01 BIOS Configuration Address No jumpers installed CA000 (default) Pins A-B shorted (top 2 pins) C8000 Pins C-D shorted (bottom 2 pins) CE000 Pins A-B & C-D shorted: DE000 -A two-pin jumper is provided near the bottom of the Host Adaptor to disable the zero-wait-state (0WS)logic for some PC XT/AT look-alikes that do not use the 0WS control line. If the default configuration does not work properly, remove the jumper to disable this line. 5. Connect the cable to the ST01. You may find it easier to attach the cable before you install the ST01 in the system. -Pin-1 on the ST01 corresponds to pin-1 at the drive connector. Note that some cables have a contrasting-color stripe to indicate pin-1. 6. Install the ST01 into an available bus slot. For PC XT applications only: DO NOT USE slot number eight, which is next to the power supply. 7. Install the drive in the left-drive bay, if possible, to be sure that the power supply does not obstruct the cable. -For ease of installation attach the cable to the drive before you slide it completely back and into position. -Minimum required for mounting: 4, 6-32 UNC-2B x 0.31 inch screws. Snug the screws down evenly to approximately 8-inch pounds. DO NOT OVER-TIGHTEN. 8. Connect the drive DC power line. 9. Verify that all connections are correct and replace the system cover. Go to section III for the required formatting operation. III. Formatting a Drive with the ST01 At power-on the ST01's onboard program will assist you by means of help-screens. Follow the short steps. You will need the DOS* diskettes and manual which came with your system. VERIFY CORRECT INSTALLATION, TURN ON THE SYSTEM AND FOLLOW THE SCREEN INSTRUCTIONS. *DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. 1. You will be instructed to run the DEBUG program followed by the starting address. 2. When the low-level format is complete, you will be instructed to run the FDISK and FORMAT programs. Some versions of DOS have different names for these two programs. See your DOS manual. -The FDISK program will instruct you to strike any key to restart the system. Disregard this instruction. INSTEAD, PRESS THE CTRL-ALT-DEL KEYS SIMULTANEOUSLY TO RESTART THE SYSTEM. Striking keys other than Ctrl-Alt- Del may prevent booting form the hard disc. If you accidentally press other keys, rerun the formatting program, using the DEBUG program. 3. If you have a problem getting the system to boot: - Check cabling: Pin-1 on the ST01 corresponds to pin-1 at the drive. - Verify correct SCSI ID number set at the drive.(See section II) - Verify correct address and 0WS jumper setting on the ST01.(See Table 1) IV. Read/Write Head Parking Utility If you are transporting the system or shipping the disc drive, and wish to park the read/write heads, run the program and type g=CA000 followed by Return. This routine applies only to the ST225N. All other Seagate intelligent drives will automatically park the heads at power-down. Note: IF YOU HAVE CHANGED THE ST01 BIOS ADDRESS JUMPER (TABLE 1), YOU MUST ENTER THIS ADDRESS IN PLACE OF CA000.